UT Freight Service Ltd. is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We hope you can know about your rights and use the various network-related services we provide you with peace of mind. Here, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law of the Republic of China and the EU General Data Protection Regulations, I would like to inform you of the following matters, and hereby explain to you the company’s privacy protection commitment:

1. Purpose and categories of personal data collection

(1) In order to improve service quality and strengthen services, the company will collect your personal data within the scope of the website, APP and service center, including but not limited to the following methods:

Apply for membership of our company.

The company's customer service.

(2) By providing Shangkai service, the company may collect your personal information including but not limited to the following:

Individuals who identify individuals: including but not limited to name, title, residential address, work address, previous address, home phone number, mobile phone, instant messaging account, account number applied for on the Internet platform, communication and household registration address, photos, fingerprints, and e-mail address , Electronic signature, certificate card serial number, certificate serial number, records of providing network identity authentication or applying for query services, Internet protocol IP addresses, cookies and any other personally identifiable information, etc.

Financial identification person: including but not limited to the account number and name of financial institution, credit card or charge card number, other personal number or account, etc.

Identifiers in government information: including but not limited to uniform ID card number, uniform certificate number, tax registration number, license number, passport number, etc.

Personal description: including but not limited to age, gender, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, voice, etc.

Details of other family members: including but not limited to children, dependents, other family members or relatives, parents, cohabitants, and relatives of people living abroad and mainland China.

Leisure activities and interests: including but not limited to hobbies, sports and other interests.

Uncategorized information: including but not limited to letters, files, reports, recordings or emails that cannot be classified.

(3) If you do not agree to provide the personal data required for the scope of services specified in the first paragraph, you may not be able to complete some of the services and transactions you need.

2. Processing, purpose, period of use, and region of personal data

(1) The company collects, processes, and uses the personal data provided by you for the following purposes:

Operate and improve the company’s website to provide more effective services.

Avoid requiring repeated input of the same information, thereby making the website or service easier to use.

Conduct customer service quality survey and analysis.

(2) Unless you have obtained your written consent, the company will only process and use your personal data for the specific purpose for which it was collected. The company will not disclose your information to anyone except in the case of laws, orders, requirements of government agencies or regulatory authorities, or the circumstances specified in this privacy protection and cookies use policy.

(3) Period: The period of use of your personal data will vary according to the specific purpose of the collection, relevant laws and regulations (including but not limited to the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Personal Data Protection Law, etc.), and are necessary for the execution of the company's business The storage period (which is longer than the period stipulated by laws and regulations) or the storage period specified in the individual contract is the period of use.

(4) Region: Your personal data will be used in the business offices of our company and UT Freight Group all over the world.

3. International transfer of personal data

(1) Under the following circumstances, the company may provide your personal data through computer processing and cross-border transmission to the company’s personnel, agents, the company’s contractors, agents, affiliates, associates, groups, inbound Official related units and partners of the country, etc., in order to provide immediate and convenient related services:

When the company’s personnel, agents, the company’s contractors, agents, affiliates, affiliates, groups, official units and partners of the country of entry are required to provide services.

When the company’s business is transferred.

(2) The company will do its best to ensure that its employees, agents, contractors, agents, affiliates, affiliates, groups and related service partners, etc. comply with the terms of the privacy policy.

(3) We guarantee that without your consent, your personal data will not be exposed to third parties unrelated to this service or for purposes other than the above-mentioned purposes. However, if it is for the purpose of investigation or use conducted by judicial units or relevant authorities in accordance with their duties or according to law, this is not the case.

4. The rights of the parties’ personal data

When the company holds your personal data, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and the EU General Data Protection Regulations, you can exercise the following rights:

Inquiry or request to read.

Request to make copies.

Request supplement or correction.

Request to stop collection, processing or utilization.

Request restricted processing.

Limit automatic decision making.

Request deletion. However, if the processing of personal data is necessary and in accordance with relevant personal information laws and regulations, such data is not applicable to the exercise of the right to delete, the company may not be able to perform operations and reply.

Request information to be carried.

5. Use of Cookies

Cookies are some brief information written into the user's hard disk by the web server through the browser in order to distinguish the different preferences of the user. In order to provide better service quality and facilitate your participation in personalized interaction. When you use the services provided by the company, the company's website may provide user-related functional services through Cookies. If you choose not to agree to cookies, you can choose to refuse to accept cookies through the settings of your browser. However, after you refuse cookies access, you will not be able to use the company's global information network or mobile network normally.

6. Data Security

The company uses a variety of advanced technologies, information security equipment and internationally recognized network verification procedures and protective measures to strictly protect the security of the website and your personal data.

7. Amendment of Privacy Policy

The company will review this privacy policy regularly and reserves the right to revise this privacy protection policy at any time in accordance with changes in business and regulations. Any newly revised content will be presented on this page.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction Court

All disputes arising from this website are governed by the laws of the Republic of China, and the Taipei District Court of Taiwan is the court of first instance jurisdiction.

9. Contact Information

If you have any comments, questions or updates about our security statement and privacy protection policy, please write to our company service mailbox: it_dep@utfreight.com.