Welcome to the exclusive website of UT Freight Service Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as UT Freight Service Ltd.). Before you use this website, please be sure to read the terms of use of this website (hereinafter referred to as these terms).

1. Agree to accept the terms

When you browse or use the content of this website, it means that you have understood and agreed to and accept all the specifications of this clause. If you do not agree to all or part of the content of this clause, please stop using this website immediately and do not download any information. UT Freight Service Ltd. reserves the right to modify or change the content of these terms at any time, and it is recommended that you pay attention to such modifications or changes at any time. If you continue to use this service after the modification or change, it is deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept such modification or change. If you do not agree with the content of these terms, or your country or region excludes all or part of the content of these terms, you should stop using this website immediately.

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You have understood that all content provided on this website, including but not limited to information, products and services, etc., may be revised or updated at any time without notice. Except for special regulations, the information provided on this website is for your reference only and does not constitute any legal relationship between you and UT Freight Service Ltd.. Although UT Freight Service Ltd. will do its best to ensure that the information contained on this website is the most accurate, timely and complete information, the information provided on this website is provided on the basis of its "status quo" and "provided for use". UT Freight Service Ltd. It does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of any information disclosed on this website, and assumes no express or implied guarantee responsibility. You must bear the relevant risks when using this website.

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All content disclosed on this website, including but not limited to any text, audio, video, information, files, pictures, photos, trademarks, logos, sounds, animations and other intellectual property rights, etc., are provided by UT Freight Service Ltd. or other original creators. All are protected by relevant domestic and foreign intellectual property rights (including but not limited to trademark rights, copyrights, etc.). No one is allowed to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, publicly transmit, publicly perform, modify, distribute, distribute, publicly publish , Perform restoration engineering, decompilation or reverse assembly, resale or use for any commercial purpose. If you want to quote or reprint the aforementioned software, programs, or website content, you must obtain the prior written consent of UT Freight Service Ltd. or other rights holders in accordance with the law, except for those clearly permitted by law. In addition, you must abide by the ownership statement or copyright message in the content of this website. You are obliged to respect the intellectual property rights of this website. If there is any violation, you shall be liable for damages (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees, etc.).

4. Limitation of Liability

You understand that this website may sometimes experience interruptions, malfunctions or data errors, which may cause inconvenience to your use, loss of data, errors, tampering with others, or other economic losses. You should take protective measures yourself when using this website. UT Freight Service Ltd. will not be liable for any damages caused by your use (or inability to use) this website, except for intentional or gross negligence, even if this website is clearly informed of the possibility of such damages.

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This website provides instructions for linking to third-party websites. The purpose is to provide you with a reference for browsing this website. When you use such links, your browser will leave this website. Based on respect for the intellectual property rights of content providers, UT Freight Service Ltd. and this website will not and cannot conduct substantive review or modification of such third-party websites, and will not be responsible for the correctness of such content. When you decide to enter such linked third-party websites, you shall bear all risks for the correctness of the content. If you believe that some content involves infringement or is untrue, please direct feedback from the content provider.

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UT Freight Service Ltd. does not require nickname users to provide any personal information on this website. The objects of personal information collected on this website are limited to users who have completed registration on this website and become registered members. When you apply to become a registered member of this website, you will need to provide your name, address, telephone, fax number, as well as a set of email addresses and unique user ID to this website; when you become a registered member of this website During this period, you will have the obligation to properly keep it and keep it confidential, and you must not disclose or provide it to a third party. The use of member services through the user ID and password and all behaviors after logging in to the system shall be held by you The members of the user ID and password are responsible for themselves, and each time the connection is completed, the use of your account will be terminated.

This website will keep relevant records generated by the server itself when you browse or inquire online, including the IP address of the connected device, usage time, cookies, browser used, browsing and click data records, etc. Unless the user's consent is obtained from the information collected on this website, all information is for data analysis purposes only, and this website will not use the information for other purposes. This website will mark the browsers of individual users and summarize the web pages browsed by the user's browser within this website, but this website does not and cannot match this record with you. For data generated without your active registration, such as the IP address of the user’s machine, time of use, browser used, browsing and click records, etc., this website only analyzes the total behavior of all users and does not Analyze individual users.

For the use and protection of personal data , please refer to the personal data protection statement on this website.

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This website may change, adjust, suspend or terminate the provision of all or part of the services of this website based on the operation of the company without prior notice, and you may not ask for any compensation or compensation for this.

8. Liability

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9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction Court

These terms and the relevant use specifications and agreements of the services on this website are governed by the laws of the Republic of China and shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China. In case of litigation arising from disputes arising from the services of this website, or these terms and the relevant rules and agreements of use of the services of this website, both parties agree that the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction.